MEZOS - Laboratory instruments for the analysis of food and feed

The company MEZOS spol. s r.o. is based in the city of Hradec Králové and sells laboratory instruments on the Czech market for agriculture, the food industry and other sectors. We provide complete laboratory equipment and offer various laboratory devices. We focus mainly on the production and processing of grain, from primary production - sampling of raw materials, up to food. We offer both laboratory devices for these areas and equipment for analysis by arbitration methods, as well as instruments for rapid analyzes - NIR analyzers, gravimetric and electric hygrometers, etc.



  • consulting in the choice of laboratory equipment
  • supplies of instrumentation, including training at the installation site
  • warranty and post-warranty service
  • technical service
  • organization of ring tests for users of NIR analyzers
  • service for calibration curves for NIR analyzers
  • service via the Internet at the NIR analyzer
  • organization of trainings and seminars
  • calibration for some devices sold by the company