Consumables for Digesters

Product description

Reagent Tablets

Catalysts and antifoam for accelerating, simplifying and standardizing oxidative digestion in nitrogen analysis according to Kjeldahl.
Catalysts and antifoam are packaged in pre-dosed tablets; this helps prevent possible errors in the dosage of chemical substances and speeds up the analytical process considerably.
They can easily be used in agricultural chemistry, clinical chemistry and petrochemistry and for analyzing foods and animal feeds.

Nitrogen-free Weighing Boats

The weighing of syrupy substances, viscoses, pulps and in many cases also powders presents problems at the time of the quantitative transfer into mineralization test tubes.
Weighing boats made of special nitrogen-free parchment can be digested with the sample while determining the organic nitrogen according to the Kjeldahl method.

Tablets Kjeltabs (1000 pcs/box)

Kjeltabs W - Na2SO4, CuSO4 x 5H2O, Se,

Kjeltabs ST - K2SO4, 3.5 mg Se

Kjeltabs TCT - K2SO4, CuSO4 x 5H2O, TiO2

Kjeltabs CM - K2SO4, CuSO4 x 5H2O

Antifoam S - Na2SO4, silicone

Nitrogen-free weighing boats (100 pcs)

58x10x10 mm

70x23x15 mm