Instalab 600 - Utility software
DAMAN - software + hardware add-NIR analyzers Instalab 600 significantly expands the user experience and
capabilities of these instruments.
Such devices allow:
- Control the analyzer
- Indicate the samples of any alphanumeric characters, , including the auto numbering measurements - and marked the archive
- Easy to enter and edit calibration - only in the PC (standard they are placed relatively complex calibration method using a combination of numeric keypad instrument and the key)
- Expand the number of calibrations - virtually unlimited
- All measurements are stored in your PC, where you can view them anytime
- Perform export results to XLS (Excel) or CSV
- The measurements taken over a local computer network online read into other applications, such as weighing programs
- Remote on-line (MEZOS - user) via an Internet connection to manage the calibration and partly to carry out the servicing instrument (recording a new calibration or edit existing ones, in cooperation with the user to analyze the causes of some error reporting instrument)
- Export data for calibration and the export of online messages via the Internet
- Print any printer attached to a PC (not included)
- Results are saved in the control PC and can work with them later (to view, print or export the exact outcome of the earlier measurements) - Utility PC (Tablet with touch screen) you can use other applications as desired by the customer (other applications are not included)
and others …
Extension includes a PC with touch screen (tablet) incl. OS Windows, cable Instalab-PC, program for communication and work with data from the instrument Instalab DAMAN (Data Management System).